领衔布鲁塞尔精致中餐的布鲁塞尔唐拉雅秀酒店—–《唐 宫》中餐厅在大家长久以来的期盼下,于9月13日全面启动试营业,开门迎客啦!
The most exquisite Chinese cuisine of Brussels, at the great expectation of everyone—–《Tang Dynasty》 —- Tangla Hoel Brussels high-end Chinese Restaurant has started its trial Soft Opening today !
《唐 宫》具有独特中国风的餐厅设计,每个细节之处都散发着真切而浓厚的亚洲风韵:
Representing a unique Chinese design, true to its roots, Tang Dynasty represents the dining quarters of traditional Chinese Houses, with each detail exuding true Asian charm:
布鲁塞尔唐拉雅秀酒店《唐 宫》的厨师们将采用最新鲜的当地食材搭配来自于中国的特产原料,独具匠心地为您打造高雅正宗且精致创新的中式菜肴,让您轻轻松松在布鲁塞尔就能体验到纯正的中国味道。
Our Chefs use the freshest local produces, topped with specialty ingredients imported directly from China and more specifically from the Cantonese and Huaiyang regions.
《唐 宫》内设有 唐·宋·元·明·清 五间华贵中式包厢,典雅别致的不同花式套餐命名(兰花·樱花·牡丹·梅花等)以及绝对适合您不同标准的宴请和聚餐(35欧·48欧·68欧·98欧/位)。
Our restaurant features no less than 5 private dining rooms, perfectly suitable for hosting a more intimate diner party or discreet lunch meeting. Tang Dynasty’s elegant and unique set menus, orchid, cherry, peony to name but a few, are absolutely adequately priced and starting at 35€ per person, with menus also available at 48€ / 68€ / 98€.
高端大气的用餐环境,尊贵的位上服务体验,玲珑传统的中式美食,这些都只需轻松提前24小时预订(68欧与98欧菜单需提前48小时预订),我们诚邀您成为品味《唐 宫》试营业期间第一批尊贵的客人,更多菜单详情敬请您登陆酒店官方网站:www.tanglabrussels.com
Tang Dynasty’s high-end atmosphere represents a perfect dining environment, a distinguished service experience and above all exquisite traditional Chinese cuisine. All of this can be easily reserved 24 hours in advance (68 Euro and 98 Euro menus require 48h reservation in advance). Be part of our first distinguished diners at《Tang Dynasty》during our soft opening period!
Please visit www.tanglabrussels.com for more menu details.
布鲁塞尔高档精致中餐之旅,始于《唐 宫》
详情请拨打+32 277 525 36
本活动最终解释权归布鲁塞尔唐拉雅秀酒店所有 。The right of final interpretation belongs to Tangla Hotel Brussels.